Top Friendliest Cat Breeds

Maine Coon Gentle giants known for their friendly and sociable personalities. They often get along well with children and other pets.

Siamese Siamese cats are highly vocal and social. They form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy interactive play and affection.

Burmese Burmese cats are affectionate, playful, and known for their dog-like loyalty. They enjoy being around people and are often described as affectionate lap cats.

Scottish Fold:  Scottish Folds are sweet-natured cats known for their folded ears and gentle demeanor. They enjoy human companionship and are often found snuggling with their owners.

Siberian Siberian cats are friendly, intelligent, and known for their dog-like loyalty. They are hypoallergenic to some extent and make excellent family pets.

British Shorthair British Shorthairs are laid-back and easygoing cats. They are affectionate without being overly demanding and enjoy lounging with their owners.

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