Mandarinfish  Habitat: Found in the Pacific Ocean, particularly in the coral reefs of Australia and the Philippines.  Appearance: Known for its vibrant colors, including blues, greens, and oranges, with intricate patterns.

Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish)  Habitat: Native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Cambodia.  Appearance: Known for their vivid colors and long, flowing fins. They come in a variety of colors, including red, blue, green, and purple.

Moorish Idol Habitat: Found in tropical and subtropical reefs around the Indo-Pacific.  Appearance: Distinguished by their elongated, compressed bodies with striking black, white, and yellow bands.

ionfish  Habitat: Native to the Indo-Pacific, but also found in the Atlantic as an invasive species. Appearance: Recognizable by their ornate, venomous spines and striking red, white, and brown stripes.

Regal Tang (Blue Tang) Habitat: Found in the Indo-Pacific region.  Appearance: Known for their bright blue color with a distinctive yellow tail and a black 'palette' design.

Discus  Habitat: Native to the Amazon River basin in South America. Appearance: Famous for their disc-shaped bodies and vibrant colors, including blue, green, red, and brown, often with intricate patterns.

Royal Gramma  Habitat: Found in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. Appearance: Known for their striking purple and yellow coloration.

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