Meet Every Cat Breed at the Largest Cat Show in the World

Russian Blue:  Russian Blues have a short, dense, blue-gray coat and striking green eyes. They are gentle, intelligent cats that form strong bonds with their owners.

 Norwegian Forest Cat:  Known for their water-resistant coat and bushy tail, Norwegian Forest Cats are friendly, intelligent, and excellent climbers.

Birman Birmans are affectionate cats with striking blue eyes and a silky coat. They are known for their calm and loving nature.

American Shorthair:  A versatile and robust breed, American Shorthairs are known for their friendly and easygoing personalities.

Tonkinese Tonkinese cats are a cross between Burmese and Siamese breeds, known for their affectionate, playful, and social nature.

Cornish Rex:  Cornish Rex cats have distinctive curly coats and are known for their active, playful personalities and affectionate nature.

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