Dangerous Wildlife Encounters

Bears If you encounter a bear, remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Back away slowly while speaking calmly to identify yourself as human. Do not run or climb a tree; instead, try to appear larger by raising your arms or a jacket. Carry bear spray if hiking in bear country.

Snakes If you encounter a snake, give it space and do not try to handle or provoke it. Most snake bites occur when people attempt to catch or kill the snake. Back away slowly and leave the area if possible. Seek medical attention immediately if bitten.

Alligators and Crocodiles Avoid swimming or wading in waters known to be inhabited by these reptiles. If you encounter one on land, back away slowly and move to a safe distance.

Mountain Lions:  If you encounter a mountain lion, do not approach it or run away. Make yourself appear larger by raising your arms and speaking loudly. Back away slowly while maintaining eye contact. Do not crouch down or turn your back on the lion.

Sharks If you encounter a shark while swimming or diving, remain calm and slowly back away without making sudden movements. Avoid splashing or thrashing in the water, as this can attract sharks. If attacked, defend yourself by targeting sensitive areas such as the eyes, gills, or snout.

Wild Boars:  If you encounter a wild boar, give it space and do not approach or attempt to feed it. Back away slowly while facing the animal. If the boar charges, climb a tree or seek refuge in a sturdy structure. Wild boars can be aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered.

Bees and Wasps:  If you encounter a swarm of bees or wasps, move away from the area quickly and calmly. Cover your face and head to protect yourself from stings. Seek shelter indoors or in a vehicle if possible. If stung multiple times or if you are allergic, seek medical attention immediately.

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