10 Fun Facts about American Animals

1. Bald Eagle’s Vision  The bald eagle, America's national bird, has incredible vision. They can see four to five times farther than humans, allowing them to spot a rabbit from over three miles away.

2. Moose’s Unique Antlers  Moose have unique antlers that can span up to six feet across. These antlers are shed and regrown each year and are used for fighting during mating season.

3. Bison’s Herd Behavior  Bison, the largest land mammal in North America, often form large herds that can contain thousands of individuals. These herds are a spectacular sight and were a crucial part of the Great Plains ecosystem.

4. Beaver’s Engineering Skills  Beavers are known as nature's engineers. They build intricate dam systems to create ponds, which serve as protective habitats. Their dams can be up to 10 feet high and 1,500 feet long.

5. Opossum’s Immunity  Opossums are largely immune to snake venom and can consume venomous snakes like rattlesnakes without harm. They have a protein in their blood that neutralizes the venom.

6. Mountain Lion’s Range  Mountain lions, also known as cougars, have the largest range of any wild terrestrial mammal in the Americas. They can be found from Canada to the southern tip of South America.

7. Raccoon’s Dexterity  Raccoons have incredibly dexterous front paws, which they use to open jars, doors, and even solve simple puzzles. Their paws are as sensitive as a primate’s fingers.

8. Grizzly Bear’s Strength Grizzly bears are incredibly strong. They can lift more than 500 pounds, which is roughly twice their own body weight, and their powerful claws can tear through tough animal hides.

9. Alligator’s Ancient Lineage  Alligators are often referred to as "living fossils." They have been around for over 37 million years and have changed very little in that time, surviving multiple mass extinctions.

10. Prairie Dog’s Language  Prairie dogs have a sophisticated system of communication that is often described as a language. They use different "calls" to describe specific predators, their direction, and even their speed.

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