Wild Animals In USA

Bald Eagle The national bird of the United States, known for its impressive size, white head, and powerful talons. Found near bodies of water across North America.

Grizzly Bear:  Found primarily in Alaska and parts of the northern Rocky Mountains, grizzly bears are large predators known for their strength and distinctive shoulder hump.

American Bison:  Also known as buffalo, these massive herbivores once roamed the Great Plains in enormous herds. They are now primarily found in protected areas and national parks.

Gray Wolf:  Found in remote wilderness areas and national parks, gray wolves are known for their social structure and hunting prowess.

Mountain Lion (Cougar):  A large predatory cat found in various habitats across the western United States. Known for their stealth and solitary nature.

American Alligator Found in freshwater habitats in the southeastern United States, particularly in the Everglades and other swampy areas. Known for their powerful jaws and role in local ecosystems.

California Condor A critically endangered bird species found in parts of California, Arizona, Utah, and Baja California. Known for its massive wingspan and conservation efforts to reintroduce it to the wild.

Mule Deer: A common deer species found in western North America, known for their large ears and ability to thrive in various habitats, from forests to deserts.

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