The Top 6 Fluffiest Cat Breeds

Himalayan: A cross between Persians and Siamese, Himalayans have long, fluffy coats and striking blue eyes. They are affectionate, social cats that enjoy attention.

Norwegian Forest Cat Known for their dense, water-resistant fur and bushy tails, Norwegian Forest Cats are excellent climbers and have a friendly, gentle nature.

Siberian Siberian cats have thick, triple-layered coats that help them withstand cold climates. They are affectionate, playful cats with a hypoallergenic reputation.

Ragdoll:  Ragdolls have semi-longhair coats that are silky and soft. They are large, affectionate cats known for their relaxed demeanor and tendency to go limp when held.

Maine Coon One of the largest domesticated cat breeds, Maine Coons have thick, water-repellent fur with a bushy tail and tufted ears. They are friendly, sociable cats.

 Persian:  Known for their long, luxurious fur that requires regular grooming. Persians have a distinctive flat face and a calm, affectionate temperament.

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