Rabid Kitten & dog jeopardize eradication success stories in U.S.B & india

Increased Rabies Cases Rabid kittens and dogs can increase the number of rabies cases in both animals and humans. Rabies is nearly always fatal once symptoms appear, making prevention critical.

Public Health Concerns:  Human exposure to rabies through bites or scratches from rabid animals necessitates post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), which is costly and stressful.

Wildlife Impact Rabid domestic animals can transmit the virus to wildlife, complicating eradication efforts and increasing the risk of further spread.

Vaccination Programs:  Continuous monitoring and vaccination of domestic animals are crucial. Lapses in vaccination can lead to outbreaks, undoing previous successes.

Human Fatalities India reports a high number of human rabies deaths annually, primarily due to bites from rabid dogs. Public awareness and access to PEP are critical for reducing fatalities.

Stray Animal Population India's large population of stray dogs and cats poses a significant challenge for rabies control. Stray animals are less likely to be vaccinated, increasing the risk of rabies transmission.

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