Coelacanth  Habitat: Found in deep waters off the coasts of East Africa and Indonesia.  Unique Features: Known as a "living fossil," it was thought to be extinct until its rediscovery in 1938. It has lobed pectoral fins and a unique limb-like structure.

Handfish  Habitat: Found in the coastal waters of Tasmania and Australia.  Unique Features: Uses its pectoral fins to "walk" along the seafloor rather than swimming.

Axolotl  Habitat: Native to lakes underlying Mexico City.  Unique Features: Known for its regenerative abilities and its larval stage which it retains throughout its life, including its external gills.

Psychedelic Frogfish  Habitat: Found in the waters around Ambon Island, Indonesia.  Unique Features: Vividly colored with swirled patterns, it uses a lure to attract prey.

Barreleye Fish  Habitat: Deep waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.  Unique Features: Transparent head through which it can see, and tubular eyes that can rotate to look upward or forward.

Blobfish  Habitat: Deep waters off the coasts of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.  Unique Features: Gelatinous flesh that gives it a "blobby" appearance when out of water. It’s adapted to extreme pressure conditions.

Leafy Seadragon  Habitat: Coastal waters of southern and western Australia.  Unique Features: Camouflaged with leaf-like appendages that help it blend into seaweed and kelp beds.

Goblin Shark  Habitat: Deep-sea environments worldwide.  Unique Features: Long, flattened snout and protrusible jaws with nail-like teeth.

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