8 Predators That Hunt Hummingbirds

Birds of Prey Raptors such as hawks, falcons, and owls are capable of capturing hummingbirds in flight or while perched.

Snakes Some snake species, such as rat snakes and king snakes, may climb trees or bushes to raid hummingbird nests or ambush feeding birds.

Praying Mantises:  These insects are known to capture hummingbirds that come too close, using their strong forelegs to grasp and immobilize their prey.

Spiders Large orb-weaver spiders and tarantulas can capture hummingbirds that inadvertently fly into their webs.

Other Birds: Larger birds, such as jays, crows, and even other species of hummingbirds, may occasionally prey upon smaller hummingbirds.

Primates In areas where monkeys are present, they may opportunistically prey on hummingbirds.

Human-Related Threats While not natural predators, collisions with windows, cars, and exposure to pesticides or toxins in flowers can pose risks to hummingbirds.

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